Emotional ppe
EPPE Overview
Director - Tim Llewellyn
1st AC - Jamie Llewellyn
2nd Camera - Dave Sondrini
Producer - Jenna Teeson
Art Director - Missy White

Researchers expect the toll that burnout has on both healthcare workers and the healthcare system will continue to grow, long after the pandemic is over. The Emotional PPE Project is here to provide healthcare workers with pro-bono & confidential emotional support from trained mental health professionals. Visit EmotionalPPE.org for more information.
Copper Hound Pictures approached The Emotional PPE Project and offered to generate creative for their non-profit. Our group, along with a team of actors, stylists, and support crew, all donated our time for this great cause. The videos and photography that have been created will help generate additional awareness for The Emotional PPE Project and illuminate the important work they do connecting healthcare workers in need with licensed mental health professionals who can help.